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What Jason Voorhees and Your Chair Have In Common

They both want to kill you. And you don't even have to go to Camp Crystal Lake to die.

Seriously, sitting is dangerous to your health. A 2010 study of over 100,000 men and women showed that people who sat for more than 6 hours per day were much more likely to have died from cardiovascular issues than those who sat for less than three hours. This held true even for those who exercised regularly and did not smoke.

What is it about sitting that is so dangerous to your health? Well, for one thing, sitting is one of the least active things you can do, so you aren't burning much energy or engaging major muscle groups, raising your heart rate or improving your lung capacity.

Second, you are not producing as much lipoprotein lipase, a molecule that plays a strong role in how your body processes fat. Low levels of this molecule are associated with health issues, including heart problems. This molecule is produced by many tissues, including muscle. So, when you are inactive, you produce less.

Standing instead of sitting has been shown to : improve posture, prevent or reduce back pain, burn more calories, reduce the risk of blood clots in the legs, and build stronger back and leg muscles.

Because of this, there is a growing trend in standing desks and workstations in the workplace and home. There are even treadmill desks that allow you to walk while blogging and emailing.( I stand while posting the majority of my posts.)

You can find hundreds of websites by Googling "stand up desks", including and Biomorph. And there are plenty of do-it-yourself ideas as well.

There is also quite a bit of anecdotal data that standing while working helps people maintain focus, gives you more energy, and helps you engage more readily with co-workers. Many people insist they are far more productive since they have moved to a standing or walking desk. So, don't let your chair kill you. Get rid of it before it gets rid of you.

"Goin' to Camp Blood, Ain't Ya?"Friday the 13th

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