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Energy Crisis

"Energy drinks", such as Red Bull and Monster, are ubiquitous at my gym. I admit to having consumed many over the course of my workout career ( which began when I was in 5th grade. I lifted in my suburban Chicago basement. I had a sand-filled plastic set of weights from Sears and a bench with bench press rack. I used to eat 2 tablespoonfuls of instant coffee as my pre-workout energy booster. Quit laughing.)

 Anyway, I digress. Some of these energy drinks, such as Spike and Redline, also contain other herbal stimulants such as evodamine and yohimbine which are more powerful and dangerous than caffeine.

The problem is, these drinks do nothing to improve performance. They only makes us believe we are performing better.

Dr. Conrad Woolsey states: " in a randomly assigned double-blind placebo controlled study where we tested energy drinks (EDs) on a dynamic performance skill, we found performance improvements only when examining one-dimensional variables (e.g., reaction time), which do not necessarily translate well into coordinated multi-dimensional skills. Performers perceived they were doing better, but actually made significantly more errors, due to being hyper-focused and/or over-aroused. Technical skills rely on timing and coordination, and EDs can and often do reduce performance."

In addition, people who consume energy drinks on a regular basis are much more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors, such as drinking and driving.

So, before you plop down the $2.00 for another Monster, reconsider your options.
Me, I'm getting a jar of Folgers instant coffee just for old time's sake.

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