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Neural Wake-Up Call from Romaniello

The Neural Wake-up Call (or NWUC) is a training addition I stole directly from John Romaniello ( I love it):

Here's how it works: you wake up, and you immediately perform a series
of very basic exercises, all chosen to help you meet you goal. You do this
before you hit the gym, before you brush your teeth.

Why do a NWUC--what does it do for you?

Well, number of thing.  Firstly, there's the basic stuff: doing some form
of activity first thing in the AM obviously has some benefits in terms of
boosting metabolism and helping you to burn some extra fat.

It "wakes up" your nervous system.
 This means that in addition to making you feel more energetic,
it'll help to improve neurological efficiency of the movements performed.

Leading us to another reason to do it: reinforcing movement patterns. Since
the NWUC is performed every day, it serves as "practice" for the exercises
you include in it.

FINALLY - the NWUC enhances recovery. By getting blood flowing first
thingin the AM, you get extra nutrients to damaged tissue, helping to recover
faster,  reduce soreness, and just make you feel better.

Meaning that the NWUC is 10 minute investment that will pay extreme
dividends in terms of fat loss, training intensity, recovery, AND well-being
  • A1) Left Leg Single Leg Squat- 12 reps
    • Description: Extend your right leg, and lower yourself on your left leg slowly.  Do this onto a bed or other platform if you need to. 
  • A2) Right Leg Single Leg Squat – 12 reps
    • Description: Extend your left leg, and lower yourself on your right leg slowly.  
    • Do this onto a bed or other platform if you need to.
  • B) Alternating Lateral Lunges –  8 each side (DEEP)
  • C) Push-up Hold – 30 seconds
    •   Description: In push up position, hold at the lock out point for 30 seconds,
      keep your abs braced
  • D1) Left Bulgarian Split Squat Hold – 30 seconds
    • Description: with your right leg on a chair/bench hold the bottom position of a
      Bulgarian Split Squat.  For the last 5 seconds, perform 2-3 inch “pulses.”
  • D2) Left Leg Spiderman Lunge – 6-8 reps
    • Description: from a push-up position, bring your left leg up towards the left side
      of your 
      body, aiming to plant it near your left hand. Hold this positing for 2 secs;
      drive the groin downward to allow for optimal stretch.
  • E1) Right Bulgarian Split Squat Hold – 30 seconds
    • Description: with your right leg on a chair/bench hold the bottom position of a
      Bulgarian Split Squat.  For the last 5 seconds, perform 2-3 inch “pulses.”
  • E2) Right Leg Spiderman Lunge – 6-8 reps
    • Description: from a push-up position, bring your left leg up towards the left side
      of your body, aiming to plant it near your left hand. Hold this positing for 2 secs;
      drive thegroin downward to allow for optimal stretch. Perform 6-8 reps.

Perform this entire thing ONCE on training days, and TWICE on days you don't
hit the weights.

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