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Shake 'N' Bake, Baby!

"If you're not first, you're last."

I never really thought of NASCAR drivers as athletes, but recent studies of open-wheel formula racers indicates that they are. Pit crews and drivers operate under some pretty challenging physical demands.

Heart rates and VO2max are similar to those of athletes in several sports including soccer and basketball.
Drivers exhibit trunk flexion/extension strength similar to that of wrestlers, leg extension strength similar to that of basketball players, and neck extension strength similar to that of judo athletes. Their grip strength is also much higher than that of non-racers.

Drivers' energy expenditures are consistent with those of someone running 5-6 mph!

It seems that, after hours of hard work on the track, the post-race toast would most  appropriately be performed with a sports drink or, like at Indy,  with a glass of milk.

Start your engines.

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