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You Can Be A Golden Girl (or Guy)

Blanche, Dorothy , Rose & Sophia

More and more studies are proving that, with exercise, we can attenuate the physiological and psychological effects of aging. Apart from helping prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart  disease, exercise helps slow the muscle and bone loss we face as we age.

Higher levels of fitness lead to more independence, a better ability to perform the activities of daily living(ADL), and a reduction in the chance of falls.

We are learning that fairly aggressive training regimens for those of 60-90 years of age are safe and effective. Dave Sanders ( MS,CSCS*D, FNSCA), implemented an aggressive training program for seniors  ranging in age from 60-89 years of age. The program included agility drills ( dot drill, ladder drill), resistance training ( beginning at 35% 1RM), and flexibility and balance exercises over an 8-week period.

There were significant gains overall in all categories, including 20% strength gain and a 12% increase in ADL performance. Of significant import is that there were NO injuries that resulted from the program, and there were subjective reports that meny participants felt less afraid of falling.

Another recent study showed that healthy older women (60-70 years) could safely increase the intensity of their exercise programs at the same rate and  volume as younger women.

Older people have nothing to fear and much to gain from continuing ( or even starting) an aggressive exercise program. Keeping fit means all of your later years will reamian "golden."

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