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Keep Flipping Out

Okay, I usually do not read Muscle & Fiction, but I stole this from a recent edition. It's actually some good stuff. Whoda believed it?

Flip Jump
Takes the classic move and doubles down: Flip the tire once, jump into the center, jump out on the opposite side, turn around, and repeat. An added bonus is you can do this with limited space.
Stand in the center of the tire with your arms at your sides and your hands rotated so that your fingers point away from your body. Bend down until you can grab the inner ring of the tire with your fingers, and stand upright. Perform a shrug at the top, lower the tire to the ground, and repeat.
Croquet Smash
Hold a sledgehammer and stand with the tire to your right side. Lift the sledgehammer out to your left and swing it hard into the side of the tire. Repeat for the same number of reps on each side.

Just make sure you don't miss the tire with the sledge. It does some serious damage to the asphalt, not to mention sending some serious jarring vibration through your body.

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