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Playing Footsie

I ask all of my clients to take their shoes off during our fitness assessment. Why? Studies have shown that nearly 80% of people have moderate-to-severe pronation ( foot rolls inward.)

Why do I care? Well, first of all, flat feet are 4 to 5 times weaker than a foot with a normal arch. Correcting the pronation with an orthotic (shoe insert) strengthens the shock absorbing capability of the foot.

Second, uncorrected over-pronation leads to complications up the entire kinetic chain- knee, hip, low back, spine, shoulders, and neck. Correcting the pronation issue can help eradicate pain and dysfunction elsewhere in the body.

In addition to over-pronation, wearing shoes that are too small can lead to all sorts of problems, such as neuromas, shin splints, hammer toes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis. Women, especially, tend to wear shoes a half to a full size too small. You should have a thumb's width between your longest toe and the end of the shoe while standing. And you should be able to cross your big toe over the top of your second toe.

And, as we age, our foot typically gets bigger. So measure your feet regularly to make sure your shoes fit well. ( Dr. Mitch Mally reports that  in a study of those over 65 years of age who had suffered an injurious fall , 86% blamed poor footwear as a contributing factor!)

As the true foundation of our body, feet are extremely important to our overall health and well-being. Make sure you take care of them!

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