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HIIT 100s

I just started Jim Stoppani's HIIT 100s program a couple of days ago. Let me tell you, the leg/ tricep/  calf day was brutal.

The program is a hybrid 100s/German volume training/HIIT which is designed to maintain muscle mass while shredding body fat. A 6 day/week RT plan is defined in detail. And it is accompanied by a very specific eating plan.

The main lifts are structured as follows:

Squat w 50%/10RM weight for 10 sets of 10, 60 second rest intervals

Squat 10RM weight 3X failure

Then there are a few accessory lifts for each body part.

Yesterday took me about 90 minutes.

I'm moderately sore in the quads, but my triceps and calves are just fine. Oh, and I am feeling quite tired.

Today is shoulder/traps/biceps/forearms. I'll report in later.

( Jim's program is available in an e-book if you sign up on his website.)

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