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Damien Thorn's 6-6-6 Fitness Plan

Just in time for this year's holiday run, is a simple, brutally effective fitness plan to get you in top shape prior to the upcoming foodapalooza. Small ( six exercises for six sets of six reps for the most part) and demonically efficient. Just like Damien.

"Look at me, Damien. It's all for you!"

This workout plan is all for you. I did kind of steal the idea from Herman Cain, the 'publican presidential pizza purveyor who has proposed a 9-9-9 tax plan. I like the simplicity of it. And simplicity in a fitness program is a good thing for the masses.

The 6-6-6 Plan Exercises: Deadlift, Squat, Push-up, Pull-up, Plank,Sprints. And variations thereof.

The 6-6-6 Plan Sets/Reps: 6 sets of 6 reps each, except for planks( 6 X60 second hold target) and sprints (6 X 100 meters). Rest intervals (RI) target is 60 seconds between sets.

The 6-6-6 Plan Load: start at approximately 60% 1RM ( rep max). Target is 85% 1RM. Pull-ups and push-ups start at bodyweight(BW) or modified levels for less experienced lifters. Modifications can be wall push-ups, bent-knee push-ups, and jump-pulls.

Don't be afraid, but you will perform the program 6 days per week for six weeks. Clearly, this program is only designed for people who have been engaged in a rigorous fitness program for at least 3 months. As always, be sure to get your doctor's OK before starting or modifying your fitness program.

Here's your split: Monday-on, Tuesday-on, Wednesday-off, Thursday-Friday-on. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday exercises will be performed as straight sets. tuesday, Friday, and Sunday exercises will be performed as a circuit. Maintain good form throughout- rest if your form breaks down, but get through all of the sets and reps.

You might start thinking of me as the antichrist myself as you go through this program.What's the purpose? It's basically a jump-start for your metabolism or a plateau-buster if your training has stalled.

But we haven't seen the specific exercises!

DEADLIFT progression( days 1-6):Barbell(BB), Sumo( pictured above), 1-leg Dumbbell(DB),BB, suitcase lift ( below) DB lift.

PUSH-UP progression (days 1-6): regular, diamond ( see right), decline (pictured), regular, spiderman ( left.)

SQUAT progression( days 1-6): regular, front, box, bulgarian split squat (below) regular, overhead

PULL-UP progression ( days 1-6):wide overhand grip(right) chin-up, neutral grip, moderate overhand grip, chin up(left), wide overhand grip

PLANK progression( days 1-6): regular, side, Push-up position, regular, side with leg raise, supine

SPRINTS: begin with walk-back as RI and progress to jog back as RI. That's it! Now, get to work.

Damien Thorn: "You are my brother and you mean more to me than..." Mark Thorn: " No! The Beast has no brother! Don't call me your brother!"

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