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3D Fitness

3 Planes of the Human Body

Of the small percentage of people who exercise on a regular basis, most emphasize exercises in the sagittal plane of the body ( or forward and back.) Think of biceps curls, back extensions, and leg extensions.

Exercises in the frontal plane of the body, such as dumbbell lateral raises or hip abductions/adductions, move from side to side.

Finally,  exercises in the transverse plane are rotational in nature. Examples are any type of woodchoppers or the Russian twist.

It's important to incorporate exercises for each plane  in order to create balance and symmetry, and reduce the opportunity for imbalances that may contribute to injury.

In the sagittal plane, we also tend to overemphasize frontal movement exercises, such as bench press,or forward lunge. It is extremely important to balance rearward movements with the forward movements. Because of the way we move, live, and work, the posterior (or backside) "power chain" of our bodies are often quite neglected. The back, hip, and hamstrings are included in this group.

I recommend a ratio of 3 or 4:1 of pulling ( rows, face pulls, etc.) to pushing( bench pressing,etc.) exercises to help counter this imbalance. Rear lunges, reverse extensions, and rear medicine ball throws are also good additions.

Sure, technically, this is 3P fitness, but 3D is much more fun. You don't even need any special glasses.
Get to work!

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