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So Much Rhythm, Grace & Debonair from One Man

Do you remember that '70s song "Rubberband Man" by the Spinners? No?

"Hey, y'all prepare yourself
For the Rubberband man
You never heard a sound
Like the rubberband man
You're bound to lose control
When the Rubberband starts to jam"

Ok. I'm getting old.

This  leads to a bit of information about the ever-increasing popularity of using elastic bands in conjunction with weight lifting. Now, elastic bands have long been used in the rehab world. Their benefit is variable resistance throughout a range of motion.

There are a limited number of studies on the actual benefits of using these bands, and they have produced conflicting results.A recent study examined their use during a 90-degree, free weight back squat and found that they did improve the rate of force development(RFD.)

RFD , which  is an index of explosive strength, is typically quite important in athletic performance. This study also showed, however, that the bands negatively influenced concentric velocity.

The study concludes that training with moderate loads and moderate band tension does not bring additional benefits to traditional methods.But, if you are interested in improving RFD, then this study supports the use of bands.

The lesson: make sure you set specific goals for your training and use the appropriate tools to reach those goals.

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