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Getting to the Core

You are probably as sick of hearing about "core" training as I am. It is important, but most people have a mistaken idea of what the "core" really consists of. It's more than just your abdominal muscles.

The core consists of several muscle groups which flex the lower trunk, extend the lower trunk, and stabilize the trunk. Most people overtrain the flexor muscles, while under training the other groups. Muscle stabilization in the trunk is key to preventing low-back injury.

As with most everything,a balanced core program will address all of the muscle groups involved, not just the "6-pack" superficial muscles of the abdomen.

Over a series of posts I will address the muscle groups and exercise prescriptions in detail.True core training develops stability and mobility in the appropriate parts of the body.

 One key idea I want to leave you with is that you are doing too many "crunch" exercises and too many core exercises lying on the floor.

Try this until next time: hold a weighted barbell with arms fully extended overhead. Pack down your shoulders for stability and rotate ( walk around) in a tight  circle for 30 seconds. Repeat.

Don't forget to spot yourself or you'll get dizzy!

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