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The Heart of the Matter

How could I not love an album with "Crazy on You" as one of the tracks?

This is not a music review, however. It's about exercise,  fat ,and your heart. Yippee, I know.

We all know that heart disease is a big problem in this country. We also know that atherosclerosis ( hardening/enlarging of the walls of arteries due to fatty build-up) is a leading cause of heart disease.

Still, we pick up that Big Mac and large fries and chow away. The good news is, that EXERCISE can reduce the bad effects of the fat in our blood. Wow!

The inner wall of the artery (endothelium) is where atherosclerosis develops. Without getting too technical, something called "oxidative stress" comprises the protective function of the endothelium. And high fat meals are a source of oxidative stress.

In our country, the amount of fat in the blood after a meal ( postprandial lipemia) remains elevated for up to eight hours.If you eat three meals per day, then your postprandial lipemia is elevated around the clock. Bad, bad, bad ! This puts your arteries under constant oxidative stress.

But, guess what kiddies? Exercise before or after a high-fat meal greatly reduces the damage. Even periodic exercise in small doses throughout the day is effective.

So, if you're going to put that...stuff in your body, at least due your heart a favor and get some exercise as well.

If you don't, then I'll have to go crazy on you.

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