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Gaman: What we can learn from the Japanese

The Japanese people are undeniably undergoing an extremely traumatic time. Mother Nature's dual blow of earthquake and then tsunami; then a man-made potential nuclear catastrophe. People are without adequate food, water or housing. Some have literally lost everything except their lives- family members, friends, pets, belongings, homes. It is bitterly cold and people are not certain they can rely upon information they are getting about the nuclear situation. And yet the Japanese people have not panicked. We have seen no evidence of fighting, looting or any type of violence. According to all press reports, the people are patient, cooperative, and calm. Americans should observe and learn. "Gaman" is Japanese for patience, endurance, and perseverance. The Japanese are exhibiting the highest order of gaman. Too many times in my work as a personal trainer I observe our insistence upon immediate results; finding the easy way out; quitting when things get tough. I've been guilty of it myself. The next time you confront difficulties, obstacles or discouragements- in your personal life, work life, or when trying to reach your fitness goals- remember Gaman.

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