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Rebecca's Workout Today: The Shank Press Redemption

Clients often ask me about my personal workouts, so I decided to post a few samples here and there for your review. I am currently in week 7 of a primarily hypertrophy- oriented workout, having just come of an 8 week strength-oriented workout. I will continue this workout for 8-12 weeks, depending on my progress and if I get bored or not!

This program is based on a bodybuilder-style body part workout where I hit each body part at least twice a week. I also have complexes, heavy carries, sled push/pull, and HIIT for conditioning ( but in fairly low volume--just enough to keep the fat at bay.)

Take a look and let me know if you have any questions!

Hypertrophy Workout Day 3/ Week 7

Exercise Sets Reps Load RI (seconds) Tempo

Dead Hang Pullup 4 FAIL BW 90-120 1-1-1-1
( to sternum) 8,6,6,5

Rev Grip Bent Row 3 8 to 10 85 90-120 1-1-1-1
(chest supp) 3X10

BB Shrug 3 8 to 10 85 45-60 1-1-1-3
( behind back) 3X10

Shank Press 3 3 36 45-60 1-1-1-3

Preacher Curl (EZ bar) 3 8 to 10 33 45-60 1-1-1-2

Incline Curl 3 8 to 10 15 45-60 2-0-1-2

Cable Hammer Curl 3 6 to 8 13.75 45-60 2-1-2-2
(rope) 8,6,6 last rep 20s
conc hold

Wrist Curl 3 8 to 10 80/10 30-45 1-1-1-1
Reverse Wrist Curl supersets 10/10, 10/9, 10/8

Wrist Roller 2 2 6.25 30-45 n/a

Pallof Press (band) 3 3 black band 15-30 3 s hold

Shoulder Circuit #1 3 4 to 6 39 90 reg
( seat m snatch, behind wide, 5,4,4
behind narrow, Bradford,
Savickas, push press)

The Shawshank Redemption(1994)
Andy Dufresne: "Get busy living, or get busy dying"

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