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Down Wit' PPT

Posterior pelvic tilt that is. I work with lots of clients, both athletes and non-athletes alike, who are significantly anteriorly-pelvic tilted. ( Anterior pelvic tilt - APT-manifests itself when the top of the pelvis is rotated forward, giving the low back significant arch. Think gymnasts with extremely exaggerated anterior pelvic tilt.)

Anterior pelvic tilt can lead to a host of injuries if not corrected. Apart from deadlifts ( with appropriate APT at the beginning of the lift, and PPT at the top of the lift), neutral-spine hanging leg raises, and PPT hip thrusts, one of the best ways to correct APT is through the "plank plus", as I like to call it.

While in the plank position, actively tilt the pelvis back by tucking the tailbone under the pelvis like a dog tucking its tail between his legs. Hold and squeeze. Try to build up to 30 good-quality reps.

The plank plus activates 4X more lower abs, 2X more internal obliques, and 3X more external obliques than the regular plank. Great bang-for-the-buck!

And remember to stretch those hip flexors as well- shortened and tight flexors help create the APT. This happens with too much sitting.

So, get up right now, drop and get down with some PPT.

Who's down with OPP (Every last homie)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)
Who's down with OPP (All the homies)>

Naughty by Nature, 1991 O.P.P.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your blog post. Keep on writing this type of great stuff. I'll make sure to follow up on your blog in the future.
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