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How ( and how much) you sleep males a big difference in your physical performance. Sleep is a time of restoration and repair, and greatly affects brain plasticity.

Dr. Timothy Dunleavy, a Board Certified ENT and sleep doctor, says that it is sleep debt, which is rampant in our society, that poses the greatest threat to physical performance. What is sleep debt?

Unlike sleep deprivation, which is an acute lack of sleep for 24-48 hours, sleep debt is the accumulation of lack of sleep over time. The typical adult requires between 7 and 9 hours of nightly sleep in order to function optimally. If one is forced to function on, say 6 hours per night while requiring 7, then this person accumulates a sleep debt of 7 hours over the period of a week.

This sleep debt has the following ill effects:

Reduced reaction time
Reduced strength ( up to 20%!)
Degraded heart function
Increased risk of injury
Decreased mental performance

Sleep deprivation provides similar results.

While we sleep, anabolic growth hormone (GH) is secreted. Our metabolic rate and blood pressure drop, cortisol levels ( stress hormone) drop, and leptin levels rise. Leptin is an "anti-obesity" hormone. Many overweight people are chronically sleep-deprived.

Good Sleep Hygiene is important for everyone, especially athletes. Ideally, one should go to sleep at the same time every night. The room should be dark, quiet, and cool- 68 degrees has been found to be the optimal sleep temperature.

Unless you suffer from insomnia, napping can be useful in reducing the sleep debt. Nap sleep is deep, restorative sleep (REM sleep.) Up to an hour between noon and 3 p.m. is ideal.

Incorporate sleep into your training program just as you would any other component. It's just as important as anything else you do.

Sleeper(1973) " If I don't get at least 600 years of sleep, I'm grouchy all day"

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