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Now You See Me... A Simple Fat Loss Template

Here's a template that almost anyone can use to lose body fat. Not "weight" (which usually means water and muscle loss). Forget weight ( and I really wanted to use another "F" word here, but I'm a lady...), concentrate on fat.

You don't need to sign up for any programs, buy any silly DVDs like "B613z" or any books like " The Cow Dung Diet: Spectacular Weight Loss Results Guaranteed!!!!"

All you need to do is follow these guidelines:

1. Eat whole foods only. This means lean protein sources, vegetables ( especially non-starchy vegetables), some fruit ( berries, apples, pears, for example), nuts, tubers, and some grains. I'm not getting into lots of discussion about Paleo vs. Mediterranean vs. DASH ad nauseum. I'm not even going to talk about carbs or portion sizing or nutrient timing.

If you are not already eating "clean", then this is your best first step. Whole foods means potatoes, not French fries. Broiled sirloin not a McDonald's hamburger. Cheese not Cheetos. No fast food, no "packaged" foods. Nothing "processed". You know what this means.

Start now. Right now. Don't "finish" things you have in your pantry or pretend you'll start "tomorrow."
Tomorrow never comes.

2. Walk. Every day. Briskly. For an hour. Don't have time? Baloney. ( I wanted to use another "B" word here, but I'm a lady...)

3. Lift heavy weights. Men and women. 70% or more of your estimated 1-rep maximum. 2-3 times per week, minimum. Use compound moves and, possibly, circuits. Don't know what all this means? Hire an ACSM or NSCA certified personal trainer, at least for a few months. Can't afford it? Since you've stopped eating out and buying those daily $7 lattes you can...

4. Perform HIIT once or twice per week. Don't know what this means? See above.

5. Get adequate sleep. You know who you are. Jon Gruden may be able to function well on four hours per night, but you probably can't. If this means less socializing and TV, then so be it. You are serious about losing fat, right?

Any questions? Contact us at the Fitness Asylum and we'll be glad to consult with you.

"Many weeks now I have waited
Oh many, many long nights I have cried
Oh, just to see that happy morning, happy morning
When I have you right by my side...
( Tomorrow Never Comes, Ernest Tubb, 1945)

J. Daniel Atlas: The more you look, the less you see.
(Now You See Me, 2013)

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