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I Put A Spell on You

Hex /heks/ noun: a magic spell

As you know from my 3-part series on the deadlift (Night of the Living Deadlift,Dawn of the Deadlift, and Day of the Deadlift) you know I use deadlift variations with all of my clients. It is my favorite exercise to perform as well as to prescribe.

There are many different deadliest variations (for example, Sumo-style, snatch-grip, and deficit just to name a few) that target the involved muscle groups differently. They all, however, have one thing in common unless you have specialized equipment: they incorporate a straight barbell. Enter the hex bar for deadlifts and shrugs. With this bar, the athlete steps insidethe hex bar, bringing the load closer to the involved joints. A recent NSCA-published study looks at the results.

Lifters used between 10 and 80% of their 1RM lift with both a straight bar and a hex bar. The hex bar users showed significantly greater peak force, velocity, and power. By putting the load closer to the joints, you reduce lumbar stress by creating a more upright stance. So, unless you are specifically targeting the erector spinae, the hex bar deadlift is an effective alternative to the straight bar deadlift.

"I love you. I love you. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I put a spell on you"- Screamin' Jay Hawkins, 1957 Fitness Asylum Ipad

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