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Nutrition Advice From the Talking Snake

Maybe the snake was trying to be helpful when he(?) suggested that Eve eat the "fruit." Even if it wasn't really an apple, but a pomegranate, fig or a bunch of grapes. They're all good to include in your diet.

If you read my previous post, It's A (POM) Wonderful Life, then you already know about the benefits of the pomegranate. Some scholars believe the "forbidden fruit" was really a pomegranate.

But, what if it werean apple. Well, apples supply quercetin, an antioxidant that has an antihypertensive effect. A 2010 study also showed that it can help improve your endurance. A medium apple provides about 5 grams of fiber, and is relatively low in sugar ( 11-20% on average.)

Other scholars postulate that the fruit in question was really a fig. After all, Adam and Eve did clothe themselves with fig leaves. In moderation, figs could be a good addition to your diet. Five figs can supply about 20% of your RDA of fiber, but they are about 60% sugar. That's the most sugar of any commonly available fruit. They are, however, an excellent source of vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. They are a little scary looking though.

Finally, grapes are also on the list of usual suspects for the fruit that tempted Eve. About 15-30% sugar depending upon the variety, grapes are loaded with polyphenols that help lower cholesterol. They are a good source of B vitamins, manganese, and vitamins A and C.

So, no matter the fruit, heed the snake- he knew what he was talking about.

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