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HIIT 100s Part 3

All I can say is : "thank god I get tomorrow off." This was shoulders/biceps/traps/forearms day. It took me a little over 90 minutes to complete ( although I did add some neck and D.A.R.D. tibialis anterior work for fun.)

Going in, I thought today would be a breeze. The workout itself wasn't so bad, but I have completely crashed 90 minutes later. I took the appropriate post W/O supps as well.

I was supposed to go get the stitches out of the finger I tore the nail out of, but I just do not have the energy. I'm not really eager to have it done anyway!

One note: my glutes are much more sore than my quads from the second leg workout of the week. The first time around, it was my quads that suffered. Wonder if I went deeper this time around or if my glutes took over for my still-sore quads. Interesting.

I'll keep you in the loop!

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