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Bulletproof Coffee

Along with the recently-popular carb back-loading, 5/2 fasting diet, and semi-fasted cardio, I have found the Bulletproof Executive's weird, but yummy bulletproof coffee fascinating. This coffee is supposed to replace a traditional, high-glycemic breakfast as your morning nutrition.

If you read my "meat and nuts" breakfast post, you'll understand that the idea behind this is to provide the body with sustained energy without the insulin spike of a pancake, doughnut or cereal breakfast.

The recipe:

  • 2-6 TBsp unsalted, grass-fed butter
  • 1-2 TBsp ( 15-30 ml) MCT oil
  • 2c ( 500 ml) black coffee (preferably organic, wet-processed, single-bean)
Prepare the coffee and preheat a blender with hot water. Dump the hot water, and add the three ingredients. Blend until foamy. You can also add vanilla, stevia, cinnamon, etc.

Give it a try for a few weeks and see if you don't function better.


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