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CARDIO: Stop wasting your time!

Slogging along on the elliptical is the dinosaur of cardio. Long, slow cardio is NOT the answer.
The truth that there is a better way to exercise. It’s the way sprinters and other
 athletes have done for years.

Sprinters (and most other athletes) train primarily their anaerobic energy system…
using the energy stored in their muscles to fuel short bursts of high intensity exercise.
This type of exercise will give you more “bang for the buck” because it is the most
effective way to burn fat and calories while also building lean  muscle.

The demands placed on your body in quick short bursts of exercise require a lot of
energy. Training like a sprinter will burn more fat due to these high energy demands
Not only that, but your body will keep burning calories long after your workout.

 A report from the American Diabetes Association,shows that high intensity exercise is the best way to burn the belly fat.

High intensity exercise like interval training builds muscle by putting you through full
body, ground-based movements. This helps to raise your natural HGH levels and make your muscles look
and feel young again.

Long, slow cardio may actually have the opposite effect… shrinking your muscles to
make your body more efficient for the long haul.

So, speed up and get with the high-intensity program. Unless, of course, you just want to catch up on your reading!
As always, get a doctor's clearance to begin a new exercise program. Get an independent, certified personal trainer to design a safe & effective program for you.

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