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Forget the so-called Obama "death panels."  Most Americans are appointing their own individual death panel every day through their own lifestyle choices. And, please, these really are choices and not circumstances forced upon most of us:
Do you really "not have time" to exercise? Or do you choose to watch 6 hours of football on Sunday? Do you choose to go to a movie...or the beach... or spend 4 hours gaming on Facebook instead? Most people do have time. They just choose to do other things .
Do you really have to eat an entire large deep-dish pizza with "the works?" Couldn't you struggle through a healthy salad with a couple of slices of pizza on the side?
Is it really "too expensive" to eat a more healthy diet? Brown rice, beans, chicken, and fruits and vegetables (frozen or in-season) aren't expensive.

The true  American death panel is populated by apathy, laziness, lack of discipline, self-denial and self-delusion.
Americans are deciding their own fate. And it ain't pretty.

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