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9 Types of People to Avoid at the Gym

I'll bet you'll recognize at least a few of these "characters" from your gym. It's besgt that you avoid them if you want to get anything accomplished. 1.The Expert: likes to share his depth and breadth of knowledge about everything from weight training to the geopolitical climate in Tunisia. Does this while: a) you are in the midst of a heavy squat set b) you really have to pee and/or c) when you're trying to leave.You've never actually seen him sweat. 2. Stinky:has body odor like burnt onions mixed with diesel fuel.Hasn't done laundry since March... of 2007.Halitosis that can strip paint.Belches Taco Bell and farts, loudly, with pride. 3.Slammer: Always lifts more than he can handle and drops weights with a great show. Uses poor form and slams the selectorized plates so hard that they crack.never re-racks his weights and smokes cigarettes in the parking lot between "sets." 4.The Couple: She follows him around like a puppy, wipes sweat from his brow, and never does one exercise herself. He only performs upper- body exercises, wears camo pants and motorcycle boots, and has a bad case of acne. 5.The gossip: a master of time suckage, he/she will tell you all you don't want to know about: who's sleeping with whom at the gym (gross), who he/ she's been with... Turned down... Wants to be with ... Wants to turn will almost lose the will to live. 6. The Serial Killer: never makes eye contact.Talks to himself.Wears jeans and street shoes to work out. 7.Sybil: you never know which personality to expect.Scary, creepy, goofy, raging, sullen, giggling, crying. 8.The Pig: Wears wife beater,gold necklace, and has no ass.Slouches around with other pigs and "rates" women in gym on a 1-10 scale. Talks about the babe he bagged on his pizza delivery route.Stands behind females working on the glute-ham machine, sniggering. 9.Miss Thing: Wears hot pink, one-size too small spandex. Quantitative cleavage. speaks only to males, preferably drooling.Studying to take the GED for the third time. At all costs, avoid these energy vampires and be happy that you are you!

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