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Jack LaLanne: You Should Know Jack

The fitness world lost it's father today; Jack LaLanne died at the age of 96. A skinny,sickly kid, he attended a lecture about proper nutrition that changed his life. He began exercising and eating "clean", and at the time was considered a nut.

From the 1930's onward, he popularized physical fitness with his TV shows, fitness facilities, and energetically optimistic approach to life. Richard Simmons credits LaLanne with inspiring him to discover his life's work and passion- helping ordinary people change their lives through exercise.

Using just a broom, chair, and towel, LaLanne showed people how to exercise without fancy equipment or facilities. That's a lesson we should all learn.

One of his favorite sayings is this:
  • Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.

  • Just as true today as when he first said it. Thanks for inspiring us; it's finally time for you to rest.

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