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NERF? Nope- Nrf2

My boot camp is killing me- and I'm only the instructor! So, I stole this really great stuff from Dr. David Perlmutter, whose excellent  book, Power Your Brain , is a very enlightening read: ( bottom line: consume green tea,coffee, turmeric,red wine or resveratrol, and broccoli because they're VERY good for you.)

Why are Antioxidants So Important?

Antioxidants are chemicals that break down or neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals -- chemicals produced as a byproduct of normal cellular metabolism. Under normal circumstances, there is a balance between the rate at which free radicals are produced and the rate at which they are eliminated by the action of antioxidants. Free radicals are destructive in that they cause oxidative damage to tissues -- essentially causing tissues to rust like a piece of iron left outside in the weather. They damage proteins, fat and even our DNA. In fact, damage to our tissues by free radicals is thought to underlie the process of aging.

What Are Best Sources of Antioxidants?
Fortunately, human physiology has developed its own biochemistry to deal with the free radical fire. Far from being entirely dependant on exogenous food sources of antioxidants, our cells have their own innate ability to generate antioxidants upon demand. We now understand that specific signals received by our DNA can actually turn on the production of protective antioxidants and that this innate antioxidant system is far more powerful than any nutritional supplement claiming to be "the best antioxidant."

How Do We Get Our Bodies to Produce Antioxidants? Nrf2 Activation
High levels of free radicals turn on a specific protein in the cell's nucleus called Nrf2. Activation of Nrf2 essentially opens the door for the production a vast array our body's most important antioxidants
It turns out that a variety of foods are powerful activators of the Nrf2 pathway. While not necessarily rich in antioxidants, they directly and dramatically amplify our innate ability to produce vast antioxidant protection by signaling our DNA. In this way, specific molecules from Nrf2 activating foods can trigger the production of thousands of antioxidant molecules, providing far better protection against the brain-damaging effects of free radicals compared to standard antioxidant supplements.

What Are the Best Nrf2 Activators?
 Some of nature's most powerful Nrf2 activators include:
 Green tea
 Resveratrol, a chemical found in red wine.

Last week of boot camp next week, so I'll be back in rare form. Aren't you happy?

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