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Heart of Darkness

February is American Heart Month. So, my next few posts will address some heart-related issues. Like...CHOCOLATE!

A new study out today claims dark chocolate is healthier than fruit juice. I beleieve it. But is it healthier than fruit? Dunno. Still, we do know that dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants. Moderate consumption can help lower blood sugar, increase blood flow, and may have a mild anti-clotting effect.

And the new dietary guidelines, while still flawed( I'll address some concerns in a future post), now specifically exclude stearic acid from the saturated fats that should be restricted. Stearic acid is the predominant saturated fat in dark chocolate.

Finally, dark chocolate is chock-full of minerals, including potassium, calcium, and iron. It is an excellent source of copper, which aids iron absorbtion, and magnesium, which helps with cardiovascular health .

So, feel free to indulge your sweet tooth with a little dark chocolate. I'm going to get a small square of 90% cocoa Lindt right now.

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