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Dukan Diet, No Can Do!

The French "Dukan Diet" already has hapless , overweight Americans dropping more money into the diet-fad black hole. Similar to Atkins,the Dukan plan is a four-phase abomination which starts with a phase called "attack!" Seriously, should "attack" be a part of the eating lexicon? Maybe if you are Cro-Magnon man. Phase I lasts for up to 10 days and consists of consuming only lean protein (cool), oat bran, and water. Ketosis, anyone? Phase II, "cruise", lasts until one meets their goal weight. It consists of alternating days of the attack phase with days that allow non-starchy vegetables. Phase III, ."consolidation" lasts 5 days for every pound lost.( Who comes up with these numbers?) One gets to add back the very foods ( cheese, bread, potatoes, and pasta) that made him fat in the first place. Oh, and 2X/week- "festive meals" which include wine and dessert. I guess one cannot be festive without either. Finally, phase IV, "stabilization"( because we have already destabilized you- which sounds healthy, doesn't it?) six days per week, eat everything and anything in sight to one's heart's content. On Thursday(?) revert to only lean protein, oat bran, and water. This phase lasts for six months, at which time all the original lost weight is back on. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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