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Goo Goo

Athletes looking to improve power often employ non-traditional methods during their resistance training. A recent study of rugby players examined the use of "cluster" training to improve lower-body power. Sorry, but I'm not referring to the yummy kind of cluster pictured below:

What is cluster training? Also known as interrepetition rest training, it involves breaking up sets into small "cluster" of repetitions. So, for example, instead of performing a set of straight reps followed by a rest period, one would break an individual set into "cluster" of reps followed by short rest periods. That is, a set could consist of 2 "clusters" of 3 reps, with a 30-second rest between the 2 clusters. Of course, you could call the clusters mini-sets, but "cluster" is more fun.

The study showed that power was indeed enhanced through the use of cluster training. The only caveat is that traditionalset/rep training enhanced strength better. So, make sure that you use cluster training during your power development training phase as opposed to your strength phase.

Contact the experts at Fitness Asylum for more details. Be Committed & GET CRAZY FIT!

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