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Stay Coolly Cool, Boy

It's widely recognized that increased core body temperature can adversely affect physical performance, and that severe hyperthermia can be life-threatening. So, many methods of cooling athletes have been devised and studied, but mostly in relation to emergency situations. A recent study published in the NSCA Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research examined the effectiveness of cooling athletes in order to benefit performance.

Cooling via ice water immersion(CWI), seen above, has been studied extensively as a highly effective cooling method for those suffering from exertional heat stroke.This method is not, however, practical in most situations. The recent study looked at our methods that could cool athletes quickly ( say, during a half-time break) and effectively.

The cool in methods examined were: CWI, Shade, Emergency Cold Containment System(ECCS), Rehab Hood(HOOD), Nike Ice Vest (VEST), ice towels (IT), ice bucket(IB), Porta- Cool (FAN), and Game Ready Active Cooling Vest(GRV). The control (CON) group consisted of the poor fools who had to sit in the sun (SUN.)

Of all the methods, the CWI, ice bucket(IB), and ECCS proved to be the most effective in a short period of time- in this case, 10 minutes.

The ECCS, manufactured by Chill Factor Performance Inc., is pictured above.It contains microbeads that are doused with water and kept in a refrigerator before use. It remains cool between 45-60 degrees.

The HOOD was the only device that performed worsethan the control group, SUN.

The GRV (control unit show above) and the NIV (left) showed no significant difference than the SUN group.

The IB group cooled hands and forearms and lower legs simultaneously for excellent results. So, for effective and inexpensive quick cooling, the old-school ice bucket method is quite adequate for a "mildly hyperthermic athlete." It can help the athlete cool and perhaps lead to improved performance.

"Boy,boy,Crazy boy- Get cool boy- Got a rocket in your pocket- Keep coolly cool, boy- Don't get hot 'cause man you've got- Some high times ahead- Take it slow and Daddy-O,- you can live it up and die in bed- ... REAL COOL

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