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Goo Goo Ga Ga

I have always been a fan of cluster sets ( see my previous post "Goo Goo" for details on cluster sets), but mainly for power development cycles. Recently I decided, however, to try a published 6-week cluster cycle for hypertrophy.

Cluster sets are used only for the main lift, and perhaps one accessory lift. First, 3-4 straight sets of an exercise are performed for 6-10 reps each. This is followed by 4-5 cluster sets at about 85-95% 1RM.

Here's the breakdown:

Week   Sets   Reps      Cluster RI      Set RI      Tempo

1          4         2-2-1      15 seconds      90-120s    3010

2          4         2-2-2             "                   "              "

3          5         3-2-2             "                   "              "

4          4         3-3-2       10 seconds         "              "

5          4         3-3-3             "                   "              "

6          5         3-3-3             "                   "             "         

I'm just starting week 2 of the program, but I'm feeling really good about it already. Feel really drained at the end of the sessions, and getting some excellent, deep DOMs after each workout.

I'll report back when I'm done with cycle and let you know how things went, but I'm really getting ga-ga over clusters!

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