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And now, a message from the Egg Nutrition Center: Eggs Rule! Eggs provide the highest-quality protein available. They contain all of the essential amino acids, plus a yolk-load of key vitamins and minerals. ( Disclaimer: I am an avowed eggaholic.)

No yolk, the yolk of an egg is a "nutrient goldmine." It contains 100% of the egg's choline, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B16, iron, vitamin E, and zinc.

The yolk also provides 96% of the egg's folate, 93% of its phosphorous, and 59% of its selenium.

So while the white part of the egg supplies 58% of the protein, don't omit the yolk!

" Scrambled eggs,
Oh my baby how I love your legs..."

Original lyrics to "Yesterday" by Paul McCartney

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