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Deficit Deadlifts for Dummies

Deadlifts are one of my favorite exercises; they're "functional"they're a full-body "big bang" exercise, they build gobs of muscle, and they look bad ass.

If you're looking to add a little variety or have trouble pulling from the floor, then deficit deadlifts are a good option.

Now, I know lots of people think they're dangerous, but that's only if you don't use good form and adhere to the following rule: you must have a minimum 1:1 ratio of wingspan to height in order to perform deficits safely. So, really, go measure your wingspan before reading further.

With a smaller ratio, you just cannot maintain good form to safely perform this lift. If you have orangutang arms like me, you'll be just fine.

In addition, you must be able to maintain a neutral or arched, tight lower back throughout the move.

You can use from a 1-4" deficit, progressing depth as you get more comfortable with the lift. But, for every 1" deficit, reduce your lift from 10-15% of what you are normally able to do. You can add chains to decrease the load at the bottom of the lift where the stress on the lower back is greatest, and increase the load at the top (lockout) position where you should be strongest.

If you need some help with your deadlift, please give us a call at the Fitness Asylum and we'll be glad to help. ( Sorry, no wingspan increases available.)

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