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Quick's Candy

 Here's a tasty, low-carb treat for your sweet tooth, courtesy of Bill Quick:
Melt 8 ounces of Bakers unsweetened cooking chocolate (100% cocao) along with four tablespoons of coconut oil (I use Nutiva, which is organic) in a double boiler.  Sweeten to taste with stevia or another low-cal sweetener which is unaffected by heat.  Pour into a plastic ice cube tray as individual cubes.  Freeze, then turn out and store in the fridge in a plastic bag.
What you end up with is a small, no-sugar, very low-carb candy bar that is high in fiber, phytonutrients, and MUFAs.  In other words, a candy bar that is actually very good for your health.
You can also throw one or two of these on top of a small bowl of frozen blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. with a small scoop of green tea ice cream.
( Who is Bill Quick? Hell if I know, but I LOVE his recipe.)

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