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Thoracic Park 2: The Lost Exercises

There are a few simple exercises you can perform regularly throughout your day to counterract the "dowager's hump." It's the round-shouldered, hunched appearance caused by long hours over a desk.

This first exercise is a good pre-workout, movement prep exercise as well. Rember to breathe deeply and keep the pressure off  your neck. I call this the wing-out.

The second exercise is a mobilization exercise, the seated thoracic mobilization . Remember to turn from the chest, keep a neutral neck, and keep the core tight. There is no movement from the lumbar spine.

The third exercise is a thoracic extension exercise using either two tennis balls or two lacrosse balls.Duct tape them together and perform as shown in the video. I actuall externally rotate my arms( palms up) while performing this exercise. The soft tissue/thoracic extension exercise is another exercise that can be used as movement prep.

Next post, I'll cover a few more thoracic mobility/stability exercises that will help you perform better in all facets of your life.

"We should have stayed in the damn car."

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