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Casey Anthony "Killa" Workout Part II: Imaginary Exercises

In honor of what Jose Liez terms Casey's "imaginary friends", and what the prosecution terms "lies."

1.) Good Morning for the unctuous way Liez Kissed-up to the jury every morning with his greeting. I need a shower.

2.) Neck extension & Flexion for Casey's computer searches, including keywords " neck breaking," "how to make chloroform," and "death."

3.) Snatch I'll let you figure this one out for yourself.

4.) Kettlebell Windmill In honor of all the made-up people( Zanny, Jefferey Hopkins, Juliette Lewis,etc.) who populated Casey's infinite lies.

5.) Explosive Push Up

6.) Underhand Inverted Row For all the lies, exaggerations, and dirty tricks from the defense team. They're owing where Casey's ultimately going.

7.) Backpedal what Casey did at the end of the hall at Universal. Oh, uh, ok, I don't really work here.

8.) Lying Side Leg Raise for all the liars in this case: Casey, Cindy, George, Lee, Roy Kronk.

9.) Duck-Duck-Goose for the wild goose chase Casey took the police, her family, and thousands of volunteers on for months.

10.) Hang Clean another remedy some people wish upon Casey.

And, to placate those who wish for the ultimate punishment for Casey: the DEATH ROW performed all day, every day for the rest of Casey's life.

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