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Do the Clam, Do the Clam

Many of my clients, including my athletes, come to me with very weak glutes. One of the exercise we perform as accessory or prehab exercises is the CLAM, also known as the side-lying hip abduction. This exercise works the gluteus medius muscle, which, when weak, can contribute to a host of issues including many types of knee pain, iliotibial band issues, poor movement mechanics, and foot and spine issues.

The basic movement pattern is shown above. Make sure you rotate your torso toward the floor and let your top leg slide a bit forward of the bottom leg in order to set your hips. Keep your feet together and perform a very short range of motion. My clients perform this exercise with resistance, usually a Mini Band, as pictured below. Wrap the band above the knees. Perform 4 sets of 15-20 sets, maintaining tension and holding at the top.

Check out my previous posts on glute exercises for more.

"Do the clam, do the clam, take your barefoot baby by the hand..." Elvis in GIRL HAPPY

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