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Kansas City Bombers Reject

Do you avoid roller or ice skating parties because of your perceived "weak ankles?" Do you sprain your ankles frequently or experience pain on the outside of your ankles or heel? Do you feel numbness on the top of your foot between your big toe and first toe? If so, you may have Trigger points in your peroneal muscles .(see below)

If you're not familiar with trigger points, please refer to my post "Trigger (Point) Happy". The peroneals help with, among other actions, controlling medial and lateral balance while walking, and postural balance. These functions are adversely affected by trigger points (TrPs) in the above pictured locations. High heels, Morton's foot structure, tight knee-high socks, and sleeping with the feet in the toes- down (plantar flexed) position can all create the peroneal TrPs. Even TrPs in the gluteus medius can contribute.

So, what to do if you find TrPs in your peroneals? First, foam rolling/ trigger point therapy is paramount. Second, perform peroneal strength exercises.( The Trigger Point Performance website has an excellent progression of foam rolling and strengthening exercises.) Finally, self-stretch your peroneals on a regular basis, but only after the TrPs are under control.

Fix your weak ankles if you don't want to end up like K.C. Carr (above). "I said I'm okay when I'm okay, an.d, ah... i'm okay when I'm not okay. Okay? Okay?" Jackie Burdette from Kansas City Bombers (1972)

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