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Business Suits & Combat Boots

The Agonist " You cannot know the sweetness of victory without first dwelling in the agony of defeat." from Business Suits & Combat Boots

Increase your vertical jump by 15% in seconds! No lie. A recent study presented at the NSCA Annual Meeting showed how performing isometric exercise on the hamstrings prior to a vertical jump test can do just that. Perform a mid-range -of -motion leg curl for about 6 seconds prior to your jump test. How does it work? The researchers found that the antagonist muscle, the hamstring, is pre-fatigued and allows the agonists, the quadriceps, to exert more force.

You can apply the same concept during your workouts on various muscle groups. For example, I performed mid-range isometric back rows for about 6 seconds before my bench press sets. It added a rep every set as opposed to those I performed without the isometric. Another sneaky way to amp up your strength gains.

" There you are in the picture looking chubby and pompous, and it made me remember how you told that time you were afraid of fat people." The Antagonist, Lyn Coady

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