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Let's Get Vertical, Vertical

What, no leg warmers? We should all be doing more vertical core work.That is, standing up. Why? The core musculature controls the motion between the pelvis and the ribcage.Most human movement,especially athletic movement, is oriented vertically. Remember when I discussed moving in three planes ( 3D Fitness)? The pelvis and rib cage must move freely in order to provide true tri-planar movement and comprehensive core development. People who spend all of their time crunching are overdeveloping their flexor muscles to the detriment of the extensor and stabilizer muscles. Imbalances like tis lead to poor biomechanics and create a great opportunity for injury. Training the vertical core also takes into account that all of the joints in the body must have proper ROM,stability and/or mobility. You, know "the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone" mantra. From the foot to the cervical spine,everything must work properly in concert in order to provide proper motion. If there's a weak link( like poor ankle mobility) then the whole chain is weakened. We'll cover some excellent vertically-oriented exercises for core work. Let me hear your body talk! And in a polite way!

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